Buy now, Pay Later at 0% Interest

It’s finally time to get that dream guitar!????

Buy now, Pay later at 0% interest for up to 6 months installment on

Simply shop for your items, check out and make sure to choose DragonPay | BillEase Installments as your payment method in the dropdown menu!

Promo period is July 15 to July 18 2022 only

  1. Checkout with Dragonpay.

2. Choose BillEase on the dropdown.

3. Follow BillEase instructions and pay after verification.


*Applicable to first time customers who sign up with BillEase during the promo period only.

*BillEase reserves the right to impose their approval process, deposit requirements and terms and conditions.

*Customers can enjoy BillEase real-time approval process for less than 5 minutes. However, auto approval would still depend on the individual risk profile. BillEase may ask customers to upload additional documents for further credit checks aside from one valid ID.

*BillEase may reject customer applications according to its KYC procedure and reserves the right NOT to disclose the reason for such rejection in accordance with its policy and Data Privacy laws.